What you’ll Learn

These course are your introduction to LFSL Learning World. Enjoy each course! Learn new lessons! Apply them to your daily routine and let's grow together. Contact any member of your HR team should you require further assistance. #HappyLearningLFSL

Learning Path

How to Use XL

In this course, you will be guided step by step how to navigate the platform and complete tasks. There are written and video tutorials to assist with each step

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An Introduction to Digital Transformation

To better understand today’s digital age, it’s important to look back at the Industrial Revolution. As Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward.” Just as the steam engine and other machines transformed the 18th-century economy, digital technologies are changing our world economy, business practices, customer expectations, and societal norms—and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. And while it’s impossible to predict the exact changes that lie ahead, it’s possible to predict who will succeed: agile organizations who are able to quickly take advantage of new opportunities by applying digital technologies.

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How to Properly Don and Doff Your PPE Mask

Cloth face-coverings prevent the wearer from spreading respiratory droplets and reminds them not to touch their faces. In this course, you will learn about the correct procedure to don and doff your surgical and procedural masks and also learn how to store and reuse your masks safely.

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Managing Stress at Work

While positive stress (eustress) can increase your productivity, negative stress (distress) can be disruptive and even harmful to your health. This course helps you understand and manage stress in your life. You will learn about the different types of stress and how to recognize them in your daily life, as well as how to create a plan to manage your stress. Whether you're dealing with effects of long-term stress or want to learn how to manage stress before it becomes an overwhelming problem, this course provides useful tips to help you build your knowledge and re-gain control.

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Mental Health: Anxiety

Anxiety. It’s one of those mental disorders that all of us suffer from at some point in our lives. Some may have relatively mild symptoms. But some people can suffer severely. Whichever end of the scale you fall on, you’ll want to try and calm or control that anxiety, even if you can’t remove it completely. This course will help with that. Crippling anxiety can be a huge barrier in both your personal life and career. We’re here to provide you with the tools to remove that barrier.

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Practicing Self-Acceptance During Times of Extreme Stress

Events like a professional or personal loss, a natural disaster, or pandemic can cause extreme stress. When you're really stressed, you may have difficulty concentrating, feel down on yourself, or get wrapped up in an endless cycle of worry. By completing this course, you'll gain tools to practice self-acceptance. You will learn techniques to notice your feelings rather than judge them, practice distinguishing productive and unproductive worry, and gain strategies for staying positive during a very difficult time.

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Business Power Skills: Customer Service

Studies have shown that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep an existing one. In a survey of customer retention, 44% of companies said that they focus their efforts on acquiring new customers, but only 18% surveyed focus on retaining existing customers. Another survey revealed that companies who increase their customer retention rates by 5%, increase their profits by at least 25% and often more. These statistics make it clear that loyal customers help drive a company’s growth and profitability. The key to keeping your customers satisfied and loyal to your organization is excellent customer service. In this lesson, you will learn how to build relationships of trust and appreciation.

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Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to recognize and manage emotions, both in ourselves and in others. Many people believe that EI is as important as IQ as an indicator of success in life and in the workplace. This course will give you an overview of EI and strategies to improve your own emotional intelligence. This can allow you to fulfill your performance potential, become a more successful leader in your professional life, and strengthen your personal relationships. Emotional Intelligence can even give you a greater sense of purpose in your life!

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Conflict Resolution - Three Strategies, One Right Answer

This training course outlines a typical office conflict and then watches three different people try their hand at resolving it. As the title suggests, only one of those approaches is a good one, which means you can bet that the other two are pretty entertaining. Sometimes it’s good to see what not to do alongside what you should do, and it’s way more fun that way. So get ready to enjoy another training course from The Jeff Havens Company, where we offer serious solutions in a seriously funny way.

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Building your Strengths as a R.E.A.L. Team Player

The effectiveness of a team is determined by the effectiveness of each team player. A REAL team player is anyone who accepts responsibilities, is empowered to make things better, accepts accountability, and learns enthusiastically and continuously. This lesson will provide an insight into traits and behaviors of REAL team players.

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Virtual Leadership: Virtual Team Building

The internet has made it possible for companies to build remote teams that employ people from all corners of the globe. Over the last twenty years, this trend has continued to grow at a steady pace. The transition to remote teams has accelerated at a rate no one could have predicted. And with this transition, having a connected, collaborative team is more important than ever. In this course, we'll explore how you can shift your business's team-building activities to the virtual world, including a few great activities to help get you started.

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COVID-19 Precautions: Proper Handwashing Procedure

Respiratory viruses like coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spread when mucus or droplets containing the virus get into your body through your eyes, nose or throat. Most often, this happens through your hands. Hands are also one of the most common ways that the virus spreads from one person to the next. During a global pandemic, one of the cheapest, easiest, and most important ways to prevent the spread of a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Here’s everything you need to know about how to wash your hands the right way.

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Covid-19 Awareness

In this course, you will find useful information about coronavirus. This course has been created to help spread awareness about the virus, how it is transmitted, and how you can prevent catching it or spreading it to others. We strongly encourage you to seek information from your national and/or local authorities in your respective country. This course has been based on World Health Organisation information and best practice.

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Digital Transformation Basics: 01. What Is Digital Transformation?

A digital transformation is something that every business, regardless of size or industry, needs to consider. If you're unfamiliar with what exactly a digital transformation is, then this series is for you. It's a broad term, but it fundamentally changes how you operate internally and how you deliver value to your customers. In this first program, we'll take a deeper look at what digital transformation really means and go over the history of digitization. We'll also discuss how to reimagine your workplace to uncover the potential of a digital overhaul.

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  • Leads to certification
  • School: XL for Professionals